Some members of the Numismatic section and the Archaeology Department had the opportunity to visit the excavation of Longis Common, Alderney, directed by Philip de Jersey. This site has been previously researched using Geophysics and Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) methods. The remains excavated are composed of a ditch and several dry stone walls built using large sea pebbles and stones from the surroundings. A burial was found during the last days of the excavation and questions the role of this site. At this stage, it is difficult to say if the remains are part of a settlement or a large burial structure, but they seem to be dating from either the Neolithic, the Bronze Age or the Early Iron Age. It is particularly interesting as Late Iron Age and Roman periods were expected by the diggers. Hopefully, the study of archaeological material and Radiocarbon dating will be known within the following months!
Picture: Excavation at Longis Common, Alderney.