Books / Pamphlets
- Terrien, Guillaume, Commentaires du droict civil, tant public que privé, observé au pays & duché de Normandie : dressez & composez des chartre au roy Loys Hutin, ditte la chartre aux Normans, la chartre au roy Philippes faicte à l’Isle-Bonne & autres ordonnances royales publiées Eschiquier & Cour de parlement dudit pays. Jacques du Puys, 1574.
- Prynne, William, The Humble petition of William Prynne late exile and close prisoner in the Isle of Jersey. Presented to the honorable The Knights, Citizens and Burgesses of the Commons House of Parliament. 1641, reproduction.
- Carteret, Philip, To the Right Honourable the Lords assembled in parliament: the humble remonstrance of the Justices, Gentry, Ministers and Constables assembled in the State and Common Councell of the Island of Jerzey. Published to manifest the untruth of a scandalous paper malitiously printed and spred abroad against Sir Philip Carteret. London, William Pope, 1642, reproduction.
- An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. For the making void all commissions and warrants, or other writings issued forth in His Majesty’s name to George Carteret, Governour of Jersey. And that the said Carteret and his adherents shall be called to a just account for his and their illegal proceedings against the well affected persons of that Island, and reparations to be made them out of his and other malignants estates. London, John Wright, 1645.
- The Kings Majesties most gratious letter to his sonne, his Highnesse James, Duke of York… Also a letter from his Highnesse Prince Charles, sent from France, to the Estates and Common Councell of (and concerning) Jersey… And a declaration from the agitators in the name of the whole army under his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax… 1647, reproduction.
- Wright, Thomas, A Perfect Narrative of the particular service performed by Thomas Wright, Firemaster, with a Morter-piece of fifteen Inches and a half diameter, against the Castle of Elizabeth in the Isle of Jersey, etc. 1651, reproduction.
- A.B., Articles of impeachment exhibited against Col. Robert Gibbons and Cap. Richard Yeardley, late governors of the Isle of Jersey : wherein the several impeachments, notorious actions, high misdemeanours, abominations and oppressions, are laid open, detected, and made publick to the admiring world ; as also, a remedy for the people, against the heavy yoke of such tyrannical oppressours, in this juncture of miraculous restauration, after so long a bondage, wherein the little finger of some appeared heavier then the whole loins of others. London, G. Horton, 1659.
- Blood-thirsty Cyrus unsatisfied with blood or the boundless cruelty of an anabaptist tyranny, manifested in a letter of Colonel John Mason’s Governour of Jersey of November 3d last, wherein he exhibites seven false ridiculous and scandalous articles against Quarter-Master William Swan, and summons him to London to the unavoidable ruine of himself and his family… With Quarter-Master Swana christian and modest answer and reply thereto. London, Thomas Ashton, 1659.
- Aston, Thomas, Satan in Samuels Mantle, or, the cruelty of Germany acted in Jersey containing the arbitrary, bloody, and tyrannical proceedings of John Mason … against several officers and souldiers in that small place: as also his earnest endeavours to … encourage the army in England, Jersey, and Garnzey in their rebellion against the Parliament … T.R., 1659, reproduction.
- Lover of this Common-Wealth, An Epitomie of tyranny in the island of Guernzey, sent in a letter to a person of quality in London, concerning the late irregular transactions there : in relation to a certaine deputation and addresse made to Richard, late Protector ; with the said addresse itself, lately presented to him by Peter and William de Beauvoir the pretended Deputy; discovering their evil and dangerous designs against the government of a Commonwealth. Now seasonably published by a lover of this commonwealth… Lover of this Common-Wealth, 1659, reproduction.
- Wearis, F., News from the channel, or the discovery and perfect description of the Isle of Serke: appertaining to the English Crown and never before publickly discoursed of. Truly setting forth the notable stratagem whereby it was first taken, the nature of the place and people, their government, customes, manufactures and other particulars, no less necessary than pleasant to be known. In a letter from a gentleman now inhabiting there, to his friend and kinsman in London. 1673, reproduction.
- Basnage, Henri, Les Oeuvres de Maître Henri Basnage Ecuier, Seigneur du Franquesnei, Avocat au Parlement; contenant ses commentaires sur la Coutume de Normandie, et son Traité des hipotéques. Maurry, 1709.
- Sermon prêché dans le Temple de la paroisse de St Hélier, à Jersey, le deuxième jour d’août, par le Révérend Jean Lemprière. 1789.
- The Proceedings of a general court-martial, held on the trial of Lieutenant Peter Squair, of His Majesety’s Fencible Regiment of Northumberland Infantry, the 18th day of July 1796, and continued by several adjournments to the 27th day of the same month. PH. Mourant, 1796.
- Copy of the proceedings of a general court-martial, held in the Island of Jersey, on the 26th of July 1798, and continued by several adjournments, ’till the eighth of August, following [Major E. Vavasor of the Royal Invalids]. T. Margrie, 1798.
- Copie authentique des transactions du Comité de la Vingtaine de la ville de St. Hélier avec Son Excellence Monsieur le Commandant en Chef, relativement à la vente de la majeure partie de la Commune du Grand Mont, à Sa Majesté. 1804.
- The Defence of George Weston, Esq., Paymaster of the 2d Battalion 96th Regiment, on his trial in Jersey, before a general court-martial, on Thursday the 31st of January 1812, as prepared by his counsel, Messrs Allen, Le Couteur and Le Hardy. J. de Fries, 1812.
- Berry, William, The History of the Island of Guernsey, part of the ancient Duchy of Normandy from the remotest period of antiquity to the year 1814. Longman Hurst Rees Orme & Brown, 1815.
- Norman, Nigel and Graham Dawbarn, Report on the proposed development of Jersey Airport. Norman, Muntz & Dawbarn, 1934.
- In the Privy Council. No. 69 of 1934. On appeal from the Royal Court of the Island of Jersey. Between Charles William Gilbert, co-heir to the Estate of George Edward Ching his cousin (plaintiff) and Francis Henry Ching, Procureur of John James Ching, principal heir to the Estate of the said George Edward Ching his cousin (defendant).
- In the Privy Council. No. 9 of 1935. On appeal from the Royal Court of the Island of Jersey. Between Dennis Romain Renouf and the Attorney General for Jersey. Manslaughter of Frederick William Whiting on the 19th August 1934. Car accident in Weighbridge Square.
- Tapley, Harriet Silvester, St Peter’s Church in Salem, Massachusetts, before the Revolution. The Essex Institute, 1944.
- Dury, G., The Land of Britain. The Report of the land utilisation survey of Britain. The Channel Islands. Geographical Publications, 1950.
- In the Privy Council. No. 13 of 1951. On appeal from the Royal Court of the Island of Jersey. Between Arthur Villeneuve Nicolle (plaintiff) and Henry Frederick James Wigram (defendant), Henry Ahier, Constable of the Parish of St Martin (cited).
- Feaver, L. E. and Kenneth Mines, Tolley’s income taxes in the Channel Islands and Isle of Man: a complete summary of the respective tax laws of Jersey, Guernsey (including Alderney and Herm) and the Isle of Man. Incorporating all changes made by the 1967 Laws and Resolutions. Tolley Publishing, 1967.
- Bertram, G. W., Notes on land surveying in Jersey. Typescript.
- Stone, Chris, Into darkness: how Jersey and its people survived five years of nazi occupation. Seeker Publishing, 2022.
- Powell-Thomas, Andrew, Channel Islands’ military heritage. Amberley Publishing, 2024.
- Ronayne, Ian, Deeds not words: the remarkable philanthropic legacy of Sir James Knott in the north-east of England and Jersey 1924-2024. Sir James Knott Trust, 2024.
- A Jersey. Le Monde Judiciaire, volume 9 et 10, 1864.
- Urquhart, Margaret, Prebendary Philip Falle (1656-1742) and the Durham Bass Viol Manuscript A. 27. Chelys, the Journal of the Viola da Gamba Society, vol. 5, 1973-1974.
- Bulletin de l’Association Bretonne, Rennes 2023.
- Antiquity: a review of world archaeology, volume 98, number 399, June 2024.
- Vernacular Architecture, volume 54, 2023.
- Revue de l’Avranchin et du Pays de Granville, tome 101, année 2024, fasc. 479 (juin).
- Annales de Normandie, 74e année, no 2, juillet-décembre 2023.