Blog Series

Through the lens of Jersey’s Renaissance Man

If an individual were the pioneer behind lifesaving genetic research, it would be understandable for you to assume that their talents must only lie in that area of expertise. But this was not the case for Jersey’s true Renaissance Man, Arthur Mourant (1904-1994), whose talents ranged from medicine, genetics, chemistry, and haematology to geology, archaeology and also photography.

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An image which shows the Société's Lord Coutanche library with wooden bookshelves, seating and tables.

“An invaluable record of our cultural heritage”

Jersey’s rich journalistic history as chronicled in newspapers and magazines dating back to before the French Revolution have been digitised as part of a major project spearheaded by the Société Jersiaise.

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“Archaeology is a resource that will potentially disappear”

When Marc Yates’ Great Aunt bought him a Société membership when he was a teenager, she likely had no idea he would go onto Chair the very same Archaeology Section that she herself was involved in.

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Take a picture, it’ll last longer: Photo archiving as a love letter to our Island Home

I went in search of photos I could share on the organisation’s social media platforms, but in the process, I ended up finding so much more: a renewed appreciation for my Island home of Jersey.

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150 years at the heart of Island life

So, how exactly does the Island’s oldest heritage organisation stay true to its roots whilst keeping itself relevant in the modern day? That’s the question at the forefront of Société CEO Rebecca Bailhache’s mind.

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A deep dive into the world of Marine Biology

A deep dive into the world of Marine Biology with Dr. Rebecca Kinnear

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Meet the Sections: The Société Jersiaise Open Day 

The richness of Jersey’s history, culture, language, and environment is well-documented, but those who carry out this documentation and research are seldom thrust into the spotlight. Much of this vital work takes place behind closed doors, and a large portion of it behind the doors of the Société Jersiaise, the Island’s oldest heritage organisation.  

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Clianthus Trilium Corylopsis, Ozarda, St John, Spring 1984

Garden History: digging over old ground and planting new seeds 

Martha MacDonald discusses Garden History with Section Chair, Pat Jackson.

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