
The Environment Section was established in January 2022, spurred on by the island’s ever increasing population and the consequent demands on its environment. Proposed developments may be officially commented on by the Section, which is anxious to conserve the beauty and biodiversity of our island. Jersey, and parts of Jersey, cannot exist within a vacuum and ignore their place in an eco-system.

It is essential that we are sensitive to our climate crisis, our flora and fauna, and the demands of all species, including humans, on our small island home.

Contact: environment@societe.je

The purpose of the Société Jersiaise Environment Section is scientific evidence based assessment, response, and action, with regard to the following:


1. Climate change
To develop responses to the climate crisis, including:

  • How Jersey can contribute to international efforts to mitigate climate change.
  • How Jersey can most sustainably invest in adaptation to the impacts of climate 
  • How Jersey can become more resilient to the impacts of climate change in the short and long term
  • How Jersey can contribute to the decarbonisation of our atmosphere and our economy

2. Biodiversity
To develop responses to the biodiversity crisis, including:

  • How best to support populations of wildlife in Jersey and its seas
  • How best to provide more, bigger and better linked nature reserves in Jersey, including Marine Protected Areas
  • How we should tackle the drivers of biodiversity loss in Jersey
  • Improving the resilience of wildlife populations worldwide
  • Reducing Jersey’s impact on the planet

3. Sustainability
To develop ways to implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Jersey, and using Jersey’s influence, worldwide, including:

  • How best to support sustainable livelihoods
  • How best to reduce environmental pollution
  • The provision of clean energy security
  • Developing sustainable communities
  • Human, wildlife and environmental health and wellbeing
  • Other Environmental considerations

To respond to the environmental impacts of;

  • Government Policy & Legislation proposals
  • Government infrastructure projects
  • Other Government sponsored activities
  • Private developments which have a significant impact on the environment or local sustainability issues
  • Industrial activities, including;
  • Development sector
  • Agricultural measures
  • Quarrying
  • Air, soil and water quality issues

To develop ways that Jersey can contribute to international efforts for;

  • Improving the resilience of wildlife populations worldwide
  • Increasing the sustainability of our local economy 
  • Reducing dependence on fossil fuels
  • Exploring measures for the mitigation of, and adaptation to climate change


It is proposed that the Section would progress these aims through meetings, guided walks and presentations, with the objective of disseminating information, through education, publication, exhibition and by other means, including through discussion (within the Section and the wider community), presentations (to stakeholders, the public and relevant parties, including organisations, companies and politicians) and publishing relevant information (by diverse means, including the Société Bulletin and other appropriate literature).

Meetings & Activities

The Section meets on the last Tuesday of every month, usually between 19.00 and 21.00. Depending on the season, this may take one of the following forms:


Interspersed between work meetings are talks and lectures by local experts, and where possible, by visiting colleagues.

Site Visits

Summer evenings are ideal for this and are an opportunity for the Section to visit sites of interest. Site visits may start earlier in the evening, check the Section calendar for more details.

Work Sessions

These might take the form of planting trees, weeding out congested areas, and removing invasive planting.

Section Officers

Chair, John Pinel

Secretary, Nicolette Westwood
