We would like to inform you that an Executive decision was recently made about our printed newsletters. In the interests of the Environment and to reduce our printing costs, it was decided that we shall no longer produce the bi-annual Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter printed newsletters. Since we have focused our energies on the monthly E-News, to which our Sections and Departments are invited to contribute, it was felt that we can cover all our communications digitally. Our E-news enables us to connect to articles on our website which one can access by clicking on ‘Keep reading’ in the newsletter received via email. We have a dynamic new website which is receiving many more hits from Jersey and around the world, and we are keen for people to engage with us through this means. If anyone prefers a more old-fashioned approach to pick up the phone and have a chat, we are lucky enough to have Louise at the end of the line 01534 758314 who always gives a cheerful response and will help with any of your queries.