During a recent trip to Elizabeth Castle it was good to note that the large population of Limonium binervosum Rock Sea-lavender that is present in the salt marsh area below the Castle is thriving and that plants are scattered along margins and rocks around the Castle.
The grounds of Samares Manor included many habitats and we found one of the rare Sedges that are found on Jersey and that have Protected Status under the Jersey Wildlife Law, Carex echinata Star Sedge. It was growing at the edge of the pond on limestone rocks, an unusual habitat for Jersey.
Strawberry Clover is another Protected Plant and is also rare on the island. It is always a delightful surprise to stumble upon a rare specimen and this plant was growing in the grass also at Samares Manor.
An unfortunate find was a patch of Sporobolus indicus Dropseed or Smut Grass an alien plant from Southern Africa. This is resilient sturdy grass with no local predators that could swamp our native flora if it was allowed to invade our dunes and coastal habitats.